Fred Stluka
1 min readFeb 6, 2021

The lawsuits by Smartmatic and Dominion are working. They’re going after lots of people and companies for defaming them with Trump’s lies about election fraud. Big penalties involved — billions of dollars. Everyone’s running scared.

- Smartmatic is suing Fox and its 3 hosts: Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro
- Smartmatic and Dominion are both suing Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell
- Oddly enough, neither of them is suing Trump yet. I assume that’s still in the works, or waiting to see whether he’s already in jail or something.

Effects so far:
- Fox Business fired Lou Dobbs, its top-rated host
- Fox News and Fox Business aired retractions on the shows of Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro
- Newsmax aired a retraction and abruptly cut off MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell
- One America News has quietly removed several stories about Dominion from its website
- Rudy Giuliani’s radio show was preceded by a disclaimer by the station, without even telling him
- Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is concerned about liability for lies being broadcast by Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell from the RNC building


It’s easy to disprove the lies because many of them are so outrageous. For example, Rudy Giuliani and Maria Bartiromo claimed Smartmatic machines affected the votes in Wisconsin and Michigan. Lou Dobbs said it happened all over the country. But there were no Smartmatic machines or software installed in those states! Only in Los Angeles county, California. Doh!

— Fred

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