Texas mayor Tim Boyd is a legacy of Rush Limbaugh…

Fred Stluka
Feb 18, 2021


Another great post by Heather Cox Richardson!

As much as I trust Heather, I couldn’t believe that an elected politician would be so stupid as to say the hateful things Heather reports Texas mayor Tim Boyd as saying. But yeah, looks like he posted a real rant at Facebook, and then seems to have been surprised when people complained. Doh! He’s now resigned.

Heather’s right though. That kind of attitude is the biggest legacy of Rush Limbaugh, who spewed out angry, whiny, entitled crap to millions of listeners for many years. Sad…

See: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/february-17-2021

OK. We now return to Biden’s agenda of #BuildBackBetter instead of Rush’s agenda of “grab whatever you can before ‘they’ steal it from you”.

— Fred



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