2 questions to decide if you can trust someone…
2 questions to ask people, to decide if you can trust them.
Ask for 1-word answers:
1. Who won the 2020 U.S. presidential election?
2. Was this what the majority of legitimate US voters wanted?
Any response other than “Biden” and “yes” tells you all you need to know. Even if they won’t give 1-word answers. Even if they change the subject, or stay completely silent refusing to answer at all. And especially if they go on a rant about “it’s not that simple, all politicians are bad, what about …, etc.”
You’ll get an immediate insight into their intelligence, their competence and their honor. In short, whether you can trust them.
If they fail the test, listen to them anyhow, so you can gain an understanding of their lack of intelligence, competence and/or honor. So you can deal with them safely and productively in the future. And, if you’re willing to put in the effort for this particular person, so you can help them in those areas.
- https://thetriad.thebulwark.com/p/ask-every-republican-these-two-questions
— Fred